Key Hole Surgery For Rectal

Key Hole Surgery For Rectal

Key Hole Surgery For Rectal

A rectal prolapse occurs when the rectal wall (portion of the large bowel just above the anus) glides out via the anus. It generally happens because the tissues holding the rectum in place (muscles and ligaments) have deteriorated or become weak. In such cases the rectum is no longer held satisfactorily. When the pressure in the belly increases when opening the bowels or coughing – the muscles around the rectum aren’t strong enough to grasp it in and thus the rectal wall glides out of the anus.

The most common symptom of rectal prolapse is of a protuberance or mass that can be felt outside the anus. Initially, it might only appear after opening the bowels but later it might come out when standing, walking, coughing or sneezing. The lump can generally be pressed back inside but sometimes if it stays outside it can swell and become very excruciating and serious as the blood supply can get cut off .This is called as a strangulated prolapse. If this occurs, an emergency treatment is necessary.

Rectal prolapse and haemorrhoids (piles) can both be uncomfortable and very excruciating conditions. Rectal prolapse might at first feel like a bad case of haemorrhoids and occasionally haemorrhoids on your anus might look as though your rectum is emergent. Rectal prolapse encompasses movement of the rectum itself. Hemorrhoids are essentially swollen blood vessels in the walls of your rectum or anus. Hemorrhoids, though reasonably common in their smaller, milder form, can become excruciating .They can leave red blood on tissue when you dab. Rectal prolapse can also cause bleeding at times.

The treatment for complete rectal prolapse is surgery. It is done by Laparoscopic (key hole surgery) approach and called as Laparoscopic Rectopexy. In this surgery the rectum is pulled back to its original position and is fixed to the sacral bone by mesh and stitches.

The Department of Minimal Access Surgery at A.V.Hospital routinely perform Laparoscopic Rectopexy for Rectal prolapse.
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